Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Components that Grace Your Personality!!!

The components that grace your personality can, in a myriad ways ,  open up a new world of opportunities . That apart , the right components attracts such energies  which becomes a well spring of inspiration your life .
So it has both ; benefits of  a) Self-Up-liftment as well as  b) career enhancement.
And Both these as a combinations are the prime enablers and key drives for the Building of brand You.

Mull over the following terms:
A)   Attribute as a part of the inert nature- The Human Being You Are

1.     High self-concept
2.     High self esteem
3.     More inner drive and a positive  force
4.     Greater conviction
5.     Power to convince
6.     Accommodate – the belief that there is space for all
7.     Empathy  – an approach to people and situations
8.     Ability to look ahead and look beyond
9.     Getting a better feel of Value over apparent price
10.  Sustainable power to influence and inspire
11.  Developing an art to Bring a Smile , heal a heart
12.  Respect tradition and refute conformity
13.  Challenge your own limits
14.  Sacrifice
15.  Talent & Passion
16.  Humane & spiritual
17.  Culture and refinement
18.  Fearlessness

B)    The elements that help build ‘perceptions’.

1.     Qualification
2.     Communication skills ( including non-verbal’s)
3.     Presentation skills
4.     Conversational abilities
5.     Courtesy & Manners
6.     Dress sense & grooming
7.     Body structure ,  posture & gait
8.     Voice texture

c) These enable believability.
1.     A strong resume
2.     Your experience
3.     Your performance
4.     Using your capabilities & Talent
5.     Proven Leadership qualities
6.     Good testimonials
Please note that the above are just a few. There could be many more or could be further divided into many more groups. But I feel these can help me  speak my mind.
The first set is to do with your intrinsic self. Your inner being , the DNA which is the truth and which can provide the much needed drive.  It is development from within and making changes internally for self-improvement. This self- improvement can manifest externally very naturally and go a long way to enhance image. When I say ‘Naturally’, I mean there is no Need to project something forcibly to indicate the metal you are made of. These are the attributes that can make you GREAT.
 The second set relates to the ‘Dress’ you wear to project an image. As it is believed that people make judgements based on the impressions they get from the exterior. Therefore these are ‘supportive’ and can ‘help’ but not ‘prove’ your true strengths. Sustaining the image is very difficult if not supported by the attributes of the group A and elements of group C.
The third set consists of those elements that can to a degree substantiate and prove what your image projects, but only on some or specific aspects. It makes information on those aspects more ‘believable’ and ‘authentic’.

Our global economies and societies have given us greater access to loads of awesome opportunities. Our generation is in the perfect position to take up these opportunities and be whoever we want to be. The playing field has been leveled, the winner doesn’t take all (there’s loads more opportunities if you fail at the first attempt) and we’re better equipped to rise out from the crowd.

Your image of Greatness well supported and sustained can equip you to utilize your potential and embrace opportunities.

Immense introspection is required to understand what you possess and how do you improve. The discussion continues……..